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Presentation Tips for Engineers

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See if this sounds a little familiar…

You’ve been an engineer in a larger organization for a while now. And over the years, your insight into the engineering process has created a steady vertical climb in your career path.  But now, there are a few rumblings regarding your communication style. It’s obviously served you well for many years but it seems like the bar has been raised. You’re finding it more and more difficult to interact effectively with senior managers. And as you’ve added more direct reports, you’re hearing your communication style isn’t working with them. What’s happening?

The reality is that the higher an engineer moves in an organization, the higher the level of other’s expectations for communication clarity.  What you know is not enough anymore compared to how you communicate what you know and how you lead others. If this is sounding a little familiar, it’s because many have gone before you with the same challenge.

This podcast will give you some insight into three common communication scenarios for engineers and how you can excel at them all!