Amy Wolff is President of Distinction Communication, Inc, a speaker coaching firm out of Portland, OR. When clients need a trusted truth-teller to help them accurately assess their presentation skills, she provides expert, hands-on coaching. In addition to coaching business professionals, Amy is also a TEDx speaker coach for TEDxPortland, one of the top five TEDx organizations in the world. In May 2017, Amy accidentally began a global movement of spreading hope and love, which became the Don’t Give Up Movement, and shares the inspiring story in her book Signs of Hope. When Amy’s not with clients and running a nonprofit, she’s playing board games with her young family and trying to keep (too many) house plants alive.
Team Bios

Amy Wolff
President, Speaker Coach, TEDx Speaker Coach
"Amy is an excellent teacher. She constantly modeled the skills she taught in class but did so in an authentic, personable and professional way!"Email Amy Wolff

Jim Endicott
Senior Consultant, Board Member
Jim Endicott founded Distinction in 1998, where his passion for helping professionals experience personal success while delivering clear, impactful messages, became the legacy of Distinction.
Jim was a Jesse H. Neal award-winning columnist for PRESENTATIONS magazine and had the opportunity to coach clients ranging from senior leaders in Fortune 500 companies to small business entrepreneurs and everything in between.
After 24 years of building Distinction, Jim handed the keys of the coaching kingdom over to his successor, his daughter Amy Wolff, in December 2022. Now you can find Jim sailing in the San Juan Islands, making furniture in his workshop, playing with his two granddaughters, and consulting for Distinction as needed.
"I’m not a natural but the training Jim gave me for my keynote really put me on the map. By the way, my presentation was voted best presentation and presenter. Very appreciative of the timely coaching!"

Dr. Scott Lee
PhD, Distinction Advisory Board
Dr. Scott Lee is a clinical psychologist who has worked with Distinction since 2000. He co-authored the Presentation Survival Skills Guide with Jim and has contributed greatly to Distinction’s training curriculum approaches over the years. Scott’s insight into the social/psychological issues facing presenters never fails to provide practical perspective for Distinction and our coaching methodologies.

Jim Walker
Distinction Advisory Board
Jim brings several decades of entrepreneurial experience in the Portland area to his board role at Distinction Communication. He is the Founder and EVP/CTO of Inworks Servicing and is on the Engineering Advisory Board for George Fox University. His perspective and experience has been instrumental in guiding Distinction into the future. When he's not sitting on an airplane or waiting for his next connection, he's hanging with his kids and brand new granddaughter.

Jake Wolff
Board Member
Jake brings sales and marketing insight to the Distinction advisory board. His ten-year background in these areas, and thorough understanding of our business, gives him great insight into driving growth. When he's not working his day job, you can find Jake fishing with his two daughters or planning their next camping trip!

Evangeline Pattison
Board Member
Evangeline brings over ten years of experience in the nonprofit sector to the Distinction advisory board. Serving in both higher education and nonprofit administration roles, Evangeline brings a unique perspective of how to creatively support the professional development initiatives of our clients. In her free time, you can find Evangeline sprucing up the family cabin in Sitka, Alaska or taking a tapestries class in Portland.